Aleutian Violet - Flowering Plant Species of Alaska - Alaska Handbook (2024)

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Scientific Name: Viola langsdorffii

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Viola langsdorffii, commonly known as Aleutian Violet, is a species of flowering plant characterized by its delicate purple petals and heart-shaped leaves, native to the Aleutian Islands in Alaska. This species is also known as: Viola Langsdorffii.

Aleutian Violet - Flowering Plant Species of Alaska - Alaska Handbook (2)

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The Aleutian Violet (Viola langsdorfii) is a species of flowering plant native to the Aleutian Islands in Alaska, with a distribution range extending from the western coast of North America to the eastern coast of Asia.


The Aleutian Violet is a perennial herbaceous plant that is native to the Aleutian Islands and can be found growing in moist, rocky habitats along coastal cliffs and slopes.


Viola langsdorffii is a species of flowering plant characterized by its small, delicate purple flowers with yellow centers and heart-shaped leaves.

Conservation Status

Viola langsdorffii
Aleutian Violet - Flowering Plant Species of Alaska - Alaska Handbook (3)
Scientific classification Aleutian Violet - Flowering Plant Species of Alaska - Alaska Handbook (4)
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Eudicots
Clade: Rosids
Order: Malpighiales
Family: Violaceae
Genus: Viola


Binomial name
Viola langsdorffii

Fisch. ex Gingins

  • Viola simulata
  • Viola superba

Viola langsdorffii is a species of Viola. Commonly known as Alaskan violet and Aleutian violet, it is a plant from rather stout creeping rootstocks, glabrous, the stems ascending 5–30cm long. V. langsdorffii has leaves that are long-petioled, round-cordate, and anywhere from 2.5 to 4cm broad, crenate; stipules foliaceous, lanceolate, the lower usually incised. The flowers are pale violet, with petals 12–16mm long, the three lower white at base, the lateral pair bearded; spur very short and stout, as broad as long; the head of styles not bearded. Alaskan and Aleutian specimens, with petals 20mm long, are more robust than specimens from further south in it range.


Viola langsdorffii can usually found near the coast in Boreal and Humid Transition Zones, Aleutian Islands to central Oregon, where it extends inland to Marion County. V. langsdorffii typically grows in moist places at low to high elevations. Its native habitats includes bogs, moist meadows, stream banks, and snow beds.


  • Viola langsdorffii Fischer ex DC. Prod, 1: 296. 1824

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Home » Nature » Flowering Plant Species of Alaska » Aleutian Violet


Scientific Classification:

Familia: Violaceae
Genus: Viola
Species: Viola langsdorffii
Subspecies: V. l. subsp. sachalinensis

Binomial Synonym:

Viola simulata, Viola superba, Viola superba

Alternative Name:

Viola Langsdorffii


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Aleutian Violet - Flowering Plant Species of Alaska - Alaska Handbook (2024)
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