Auntie Ethel | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (2024)

Auntie Ethel

Sister of the Seeing Pearl

Level 5

Auntie Ethel | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (1)
Location Druid Grove
Sunlit Wetlands
Act Act 1 ; Act 3
Quests Remove the Parasite
Save Mayrina
Avenge the Hag Survivors
Save Vanra

Auntie Ethel is anNpc, Merchantand potentialBossin Baldur's Gate 3(BG3). BG3Auntie Ethelis a Hag and a powerful Fey creature. You can first meet her at The Hollow where you can trade some goods with her.Bossesin BG3 are powerful enemies that have increased health and pose a bigger challenge for players.

Where to find Auntie Ethel in BG3

Act 1

  • Druid Grove
  • Sunlit Wetlands

Act 3

  • The Blushing Mermaid - Basem*nt

BG3 Auntie Ethel Quests

  • Remove the Parasite
  • Save Mayrina
  • Avenge the Hag Survivors
  • Save Vanra

BG3 Auntie Ethel Dialogue Options

Druid Grove

You meet Auntie Ethel looking as an adorable elderly womanat the Druid Grove. The moment she sets eyes on you, she notices something is not right. If you talk to her about it, she tells you she can help you with your tadpole problem.

Certain Classes, such as Warlockor Sorcerer, can sense something strange about the old woman, but she will shrug it off by stating that she is only an old healer that knows about potions and lotions. She tells you that if you go meet her at her teahouse, she can probably remove the tadpole.

  1. I need help. I've been infected by a mind flayer parasite.
  2. What harm? Show me your wares,
  3. Nothing for now.

Choosing option 1 and asking for help with give you Astarion's approval, but Shadowheart will disapprove. Ethel will then mention something she has at home.

  1. Such as?
  2. My time could be running short. I can't afford to spend it paying you a house visit.
  3. [WARLOCK] There is something strange about you.

Proceeding with the exclusive Warlock option will give you three more Warlock responses.

At the Druid Grove, you can also trade with Auntie Ethel, this is what she has at her disposal:

  • Corellon's Grace
  • x3Potion of Hill Giant Strength.
  • Balsam Bundle
  • x2Mergrass Bundle
  • Potion of Invisibility
  • x4Potion of Healing
  • Potion of Greater Healing
  • x5Water
  • Wispweed Bundle

Sunlit Wetlands

You meet Auntie Ethel again at the entrance of the Sunlit Wetlands. This time, she is being threatened by two young men, Demir and Johl, whoaccuse her of being responsiblefor the disappearance of their sister Mayrina. As you enter the scene, you can:

  • Side with the Brothers: If you do this, Auntie Ethelwill vanish and head into her teahouse, you can talk to the brothers who, if offered help, will refuse it and proceed to search for their sister on their own. This leads to their death.
  • Don't get involved: Auntie Ethel will admonish you for not coming to her aid before killing both brothers with magic. She then teleports to her teahouse as above.
  • If you side with Auntie Ethel, the brothers will attack you immediately.

Your first options are the following:

  1. How about you all just calm down. What's going on here?
  2. Lower your weapon, I know this lady.
  3. This is nothing to do with me. Goodbye.

Auntie Ethel will soon disappear and you will be left with Johl and Demirwho ponder about what to do next and how to find their sister.

  1. Let me - I'll bring Mayrina home.
  2. you're on your own. I have enough problems.
  3. I'm sorry. I wish you luck in finding her.

If you volunteer to help them by picking the first dialogue option Gale, Wyll, and Karlachwill approval and both Lae'zel and Shadowheartwilldisapprove,and they will still decline your help. This will still progress through the quest: Save Mayrina

Once you reach the teahouse, no matter your choice, you will find Auntie Ethel once more. She has Mayrinacaptive, and is forcing her to finish her food, because the young girl is pregnant. As you enter her house, depending on how was your last interaction with the old woman, she will greet you differently.

  • You can ask her about Mayrina. Thiswon't be tolerated by Auntie Ethelwho will threaten you to stay out of her business. If you insist or tell Mayrinathat her brothers are dead, Auntie Ethelwill teleport her and then transform herself into her real form, to then disappear behind the furnace, leading to her secret lair. The next time you find her, will be for the last time.
  • If you stay out of Mayrina, and ask about the tadpole-removal procedure. She will offer you a deal for one of your eyes. All your Companionswill disagree to this. If you pay no mind to their warnings and decide to accept the procedure, you will lose your eye, but the parasite won't be removed. Auntie Ethelstates that the parasite has been tampered with, and it reeks of filthy magic, so she won't touch it. She, however, states that her part of the deal was kept, so your eye is hers. You earn the Paid the Pricedebuff.

When she transforms into a Hag for the first time, and attempts to flee, if your party is well-prepared and does enough burst damage, you can take her down before she manages to do so. This change some things that occur inside her lair. For example, poison clouds, disappear. The four people with the masks on are no longer aggressive, and can be talked to. You can even save one of them.

If you get her health low enough in her lair, she will offer you a deal. In which you can decide what to do, she offers a permanent + 1 to any of your stats. In return, you can't kill her and she gets to leave with Mayrina. But with a high enough skill check, you can get the stat boost and even save the girl too.

Both have an extremely high DC check for (Intimidation) and (Deceit)

The Blushing Mermaid - Basem*nt

Before entering, it is recommended to go toOld Garlow’s Place first, in order to receive the recipe ofHag's bane, should you wish to complete theSave Vanraquest. (recommended as the quest rewards include a legendary rapier and a very rare amulet)

As soon as you enter, jump upto the platform withgold (5), and hopefully one of your party members succeeds a check to reveal that the wall on the left is an illusion. Go into the now revealed room, and unlock the door to see a bunch of people controlled by Auntie's masks yet again, including the captain.

After defeating all the people controlled by Auntie outside, go to the room through a door with traps nearby that also castsTasha's Hideous Laughter on whoever opens it.

Optionally you can sneak past the guards and through the door. Be wary, because at the start of the fight Ethel will summon her henchmen. If you manage to kill Ethel without killing the controlled pirates, the ones surviving will be freed.

Once inside, no one is there, but if you go near a self-healing mushroom (white mushrooms that glow called Pearlspore Bell) and then go intoturn-based mode (to prevent them from self-healing before you can destroy them) anddestroy one of these mushrooms. This will cause Auntie Ethel to appear. After dialogue with her, a combat will initiate.

You can throwHag's bane on Aunt Ethel to save Vanra.

BG3 Auntie Ethel Boss Guide

Auntie Ethel Boss Tips

When you fight Auntie Ethelon her lair, she casts three copies of herself. Only one is real, the other three are illusions. You can dispel them by hitting them with any attack. Keep in mind, that while active, these illusions can damage you. The real Ethel also has different stats and status effects, usually with more status and stronger stats than a normal human.

Magic Missileis a good spell to attack many copies at the same time. Using Witch Boltis also extremely useful before she creates the clones. It allows you to stay "connected" to the real hag.

Defeating Auntie Ethel At The Treehouse

It is possible to defeat Auntie Ethel at the treehouse through some deliberations, as long as she is still at the treehouse in her human form. In order to be able to see her during combat, you need to cast See Invisibility on one of the party members, and to prevent Ethel from escaping to her lair, you need to have one of the party members to ungroup and then attack Ethel to aggro her (this marks her and the two Redcaps as "Temporarily Hostile"), switch to another party member during the first turn and then cast Arcane Lock to seal off the Wooden Stairs (which lasts for 10 turns) while placing Smokepowder Barrels next to the stairs. Alternatively, you can throw a backpack (which has only 4HP) containing the barrels, which breaks and scatters the barrels upon impact.

During Ethel's turn, she would teleport to the Wooden Stairs' location and try to unlock the Wooden Stairs for approximately 13 times, but due to Arcane Lock's spell effect, the exit wouldn't be opened until the spell effect goes off. As for the Redcaps, they could be dealt with by the ungrouped member who aggroed Ethel.

In yournext turn, where the Arcane Lock's effect would have less than 2-3 turns left, you need to finish off Ethel within this turn, otherwise she would make an escape to her lair. You can then place more Smokepowders Barrels next to Ethel and then detonate the barrels from a distance with ranged weapons or spells. With at least 8 Smokepowder Barrels,the explosion would deplete 60-80% of Ethel's health, while severely injuring the party members near Ethel due to the explosion, but the ungrouped party member can revive the downed party members after the battle. After the explosion, you can finish off Ethel before ending your turn.

Auntie Ethel General Information

Auntie Ethel | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (2)Race: Fey
Auntie Ethel | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (3)Health: 112
Auntie Ethel | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (4)AC: 15
Auntie Ethel | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (5)Base speed: 9m
Auntie Ethel | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (6)Size: Medium
Auntie Ethel | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (7)Weight: 50kg
Auntie Ethel | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (8)Attitude: 0

Auntie Ethel Passive Features

Fey Life:

  • Makes it easier for the wearer to succeed on Death Saving Throws.

Attack of Opportunity:

  • Automatically attack an enemy moving out of your reach. This uses a Reaction.


  • You can see in the dark up to 12m.

Auntie Ethel Abilities

Strength: 18
Dexterity: 14
Constitution: 16
Intelligence: 13
Wisdom: 14
Charisma: 18

  • Proficiency Bonus: +3
  • Initiative: +2

Attacks& Spells

Auntie Ethel Resistances

Auntie Ethel | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (17)Slashing: Normal
Auntie Ethel | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (18)Piercing: Normal
Auntie Ethel | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (19)Bludgeoning: Normal
Auntie Ethel | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (20)Fire: Normal
Auntie Ethel | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (21)Lightning: Normal
Auntie Ethel | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (22)Psychic:Normal
Auntie Ethel | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (23)Poison:Normal

Auntie Ethel Rewards

  • 250 XP
  • Spellthief
  • Corellon's Grace
  • x3Potion of Hill Giant Strength.

Notes and Tips

  • Notes and tips go here
  • You can cast Speak with Deadon her body, she will reveal a few interesting things.
  • Keeping Ethel's Corpse, after one long rest it will be replaced with the Potionwhich poisons.
  • Item Id for the Hag's Hair +1 Attribute
    • "QUEST_HAG_HagHair_Wisdom"
      UUID: "de2c9582-fab5-4d5e-9a81-44d67af6a681"
    • "QUEST_HAG_HagHair_Strength"
      UUID: "8f6b0c08-d1b1-4ae7-ade2-da3c679ce323"
    • "QUEST_HAG_HagHair_Constitution"
      UUID: "d16922ba-a36b-4015-8072-27610821fb53"
    • "QUEST_HAG_HagHair_Dexterity"
      UUID: "7e3afbf6-4e1a-444e-826d-f8e0e0a8308f"
    • "QUEST_HAG_HagHair_Intelligence"
      UUID: "9abbab89-d29f-47c0-9ffe-f12018dd83d9"
    • "QUEST_HAG_HagHair_Charisma"
      UUID: "eec5de82-c988-40e6-8f10-474d5675c5
All Bosses in Baldur's Gate 3

Ansur (Boss)Apostle of MyrkulBalthazarBuletteCh'r'ai Tska'anCh'r'ai W'wargaz (Boss)Disciple Z'rellDominated Red DragonDror RagzlinEmperorFilro the ForgottenFlaming Fist MarcusGerringothe ThormHalsin (Boss)He Who WasKaghaKetheric Thorm (Boss)Lord Enver Gortash (Boss)Lorroakan (Boss)Malus ThormMintharaMinthara (Boss)Netherbrain (Boss)Orin the Red (Boss)Phase Spider MatriarchPtarisSarevokSpectatorSteel Watch TitanThe WardenThisobald ThormTrue Soul GutWarrior Puce

Auntie Ethel | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (2024)
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

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Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.