Back Workout Routine (Best Exercises For Mass) (2024)

I used to be like most other gym-goers; focus on training the muscles everyone CAN see and neglect the ones they can’t. We spend all our time focusing on the chest, shoulders, and biceps yet we tend to neglect the back and legs as a result.

And aside from just not taking their back workout seriously, most people end up choosing the wrong combination of exercises.

Want to avoid this deadly training mistake - and build an amazing, well-rounded physique in the shortest time possible? Then you're going to love the science-backed programs I've created. Each of them is designed to be an all-in-one process to help you achieve your fitness goals in the most time-efficient way possible. Discover the right program for you below:

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Now, well-developed and proportionate back muscles contribute A LOT to an aesthetic physique. Luckily, I realized this and finally started putting more thought and effort into my back workouts. It was only once I started incorporating the evidence-based exercises you'll see in this article that I started noticing significant improvements.

Don't believe me?

Here's where my back development is at now:

Personal Back Development

Back Workout Routine (Best Exercises For Mass) (1)
Although I still have a ways to go, I think it's safe to say that I've done a decent job of developing my (once lagging) back musculature.

So what exactly are the best back exercises to include in your routine?

Well, let's first take a look at what exactly we'd want to accomplish with these exercises.

What Creates an "Attractive" Looking Back

One all too common mistake people make with regards to back training is utilizing too many isolation exercises and failing to target all of the back musculature. This includes both superficial AND deep muscles. The four main muscles that make up the bulk of the back and the ones we want to focus on developing are:

  • The trapezius (which have an upper and lower portion)
  • The rhomboids (which lay under the trapezius muscle)
  • The latissimus dorsi (lats)
  • The erector spinae (the lower back muscles)

Here's how they look:

Back Muscles

Back Workout Routine (Best Exercises For Mass) (2)
As you can see, there are also a few smaller muscles that serve an important role such as the teres major/minor and the infraspinatus. We want to focus on these muscles as well as they will strengthen our shoulder through stabilization and also help provide an aesthetic appeal.

By focusing on developing the above musculature, we are able to effectively create the following features:

  • Large but not overdeveloped upper traps for thickness
  • Wide, strong lats that extend down low to create that illusive V-taper
  • Strong lower traps and rhomboids for mid-back thickness
  • Clear development and separation in the teres major and infraspinatus muscles
  • And a well-defined “Christmas tree” structure in the lower back created by the erector spinae and lower lats

You can visually see each of these features in the picture of me below:

Developed Back

Back Workout Routine (Best Exercises For Mass) (3)
These features are EXACTLY what creates an attractive looking back. It's the "secret formula" that nobody tells you about.

But how exactly do we achieve these features? Well.. This is where we'll need to dig deeper and is where we'll start discussing the best back exercises AND combine it all into the "best back workout" routine.

Muscle Activation Cues (Mind-Muscle Connection)

Before we get started on the exercises I want to briefly talk about muscle activation. We know that establishing a strong mind-muscle connection plays an important role in enhancing muscle activation AND muscle growth. It's something that's been proven time and time again in the literature.

Muscle Activation Studies

For example, one 2009 study by Snyder et al. found that subjects were able to boost activation of the lats by simply incorporating few back-activation cues during the lat pulldown.

And one recent2018 studyby Schoenfeld and colleagues showed that focusing on a strong mind-muscle connection with the biceps during arm curls led to almost double the biceps growth when compared to just trying to "get the weight up".

So long story short - focusing onfeelingyour back work during these exercises is vital.

But how exactly do we do this? Easy! We use a few activation cues and various tips/tricks I've learned over the years.

Here are a few:

1. Think about "pulling" with your elbows as opposed to thinking about pulling with your hands. This applies for all back exercises.
Back Workout Routine (Best Exercises For Mass) (4)
2. Bring your shouldersdown and awayfrom your ears to depress/relax your traps before (and during) each exercise.
Back Workout Routine (Best Exercises For Mass) (5)
3. Try utilizing a "thumbless grip" by removing your thumb from underneath the bar/dumbbell/grip and put it over the grip with your fingers. This often works wonders in terms of lessening the involvement of the biceps in the movement and making it easier to feel the back actually working.
Back Workout Routine (Best Exercises For Mass) (6)
Using these cues will help you maximally activate and grow the muscles that should be working in the following back exercises.

Love exercise cues like these? Then you're going to appreciate our 3-on-1 coaching. Along with my team of experts, the BWS team is going to coach you every step of the way - so you perform your exercises in a way that'll get you the quickest results possible. To find out more:

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Top Exercises

Exercise #1: Deadlifts OR Rack Pulls

If deadlifts currently aren’t somewhere in your lifting routine, I highly suggest you start doing them. It’s a great compound movement to target virtually all of your upper and lower back muscles.
Back Workout Routine (Best Exercises For Mass) (7)
They mainly add thickness to the back by heavily stimulating the trapezius muscles, but will also contribute to growth of the lats since they will be assisting throughout each rep. In addition, the ability to easily overload this exercise and work up to heavy weights with it makes it a no-brainer to include for overall back hypertrophy.

And for those wondering, yes they are safe. Numerous studies have shown that not only are deadlifts safe for the back, but they actually seem topreventback injuries from occurring by strengthening the core musculature.

However, the catch is that youmustperform them with proper form and avoid excessive rounding/arching of the lower back. Although this is a topic for another article, I strongly advise you do your research into how to properly perform them beforehand.

Now in the event that you can't do deadlifts or would prefer to do them on your legs day, I would opt for using above-the-knee rack pullshere instead.

Why? Because it's the only other exercise that enables you to handle very heavy loads in order to fully stimulate the traps and overall back musculature. And since the range of motion with this exercise is much less than that of a deadlift, it makes it a convenient option for those who struggle with deadlifts due to past injuries.

As for how to do them, simply set up a power rack to just above the knees and pull the bar up as you would in a traditional deadlift. The only difference now is the greatly reduced range of motion.

Exercise 2: Pull-Ups

This is probably my favouriteexercise for several reasons. First of all, not only does it work pretty much all of your back musculature like your lats, lower traps, and rhomboids, but they also greatly increase the role of your all-important shoulder and scapular stabilizers like the teres muscles and the infraspinatus.

Pull-Up Muscles

Back Workout Routine (Best Exercises For Mass) (8)
And the fact that it’s a closed chain exercise (meaning that the hands are held at a fixed anchor point) suggests that it may result in greater motor unit recruitmentof the back muscles. This has been demonstrated inseveralstudies that compared open-chain exercises like lat pulldowns with closed chain exercises like the pull up.

Pull-Ups vs Chin-Ups?

Back Workout Routine (Best Exercises For Mass) (9)
Now as for whether you should do pull-ups or chin-ups, research, tends to show that both pull-ups and chin ups provided equal lat activation.

However, this same study showed:

  • Greater lower traps and infraspinatus activation with the pull-up
  • Greater pectoralis major and biceps activation with the chin-up

Thus, given that we are focusing on maximizing back growth, pull ups seem like the better option for this reason.

However, some may get better overall back activation with chin ups as opposed to pull ups. EMG studies provide us with good insight but doesn't account for individual variation. So try them both out and see which feels better for you - you can always include both in your workout if you wish.

I personally find that a fairly wide (a little wider than shoulder-width) overhand thumbless grip pull up best activates my back.

Now as for progressive overload, once you can comfortably perform 10-12 clean reps of a bodyweight pull up, I suggest starting to gradually add weight to the movement. This can be done by using a weight belt or holding a dumbbell between your feet in order to continuously progress this exercise.

But if you're currently unable to do a pull-up, I'd suggest utilizing an assisted pull-up machine and incorporating pull-up "negatives" to build the strength to do bodyweight pull-ups.

Exercise #3: Chest-Supported Rows

Next you want to move onto a horizontal rowing movement. One studyby Lehman and colleagues actually found that the row provides"similar levels of lat activation as lat pulldowns but more activation in other areas of the back like the traps and rhomboids."

Chest-Supported Row Exercises

Back Workout Routine (Best Exercises For Mass) (10)
So I definitely suggest you include a rowing type movement into your back workouts to hit these other muscles.

I'd personally suggest using a chest-supported horizontal row in this workout since it minimizes the involvement of the lower back in the movement. This is becauseresearch shows that back exercises that involve less lower back involvement often provide better upper back activation. And since your erector spinae has already gotten a good workout from the deadlifts performed earlier, let's just say that your lower back will thank you!

Exercise #4: Lat Pulldowns

Although the pull-up can definitely be argued as a superior exercise when compared to lat pulldowns, the lat pulldown is an excellent supplemental exercise to use. It targets similar muscles as the pull-up, just with less involvement of the shoulder stabilizers.

As for the best variations to perform them, in my opinion overhand middle and wide grip front pulldowns with a slight lean backare likely the best options.

Middle Vs. Wide Grip

Back Workout Routine (Best Exercises For Mass) (11)
Why is this? Well, let's take a look at the different variables.

Best Lat Pulldown Variation:

Front pulldowns have been shown in many studies, such as this one by Barros and colleagues, to be superior in terms of lat activation when compared to other variations like behind-the-neck pulldowns and V-bar pulldowns.

Let's not forget that front pulldowns also don't place your glenohumeral joint in a compromised position as behind-the-neck pulldowns do, so stick to front pulldowns!

Slight Lean Back:

I recommend slight lean back during the pulldown based on the conclusions of this study, which demonstrated that "a slight lean back at 135 degrees led to an 11% increase in lat activation as long as no momentum is used." Thus, a slight lean back is optimal but you don’t want to be swinging every rep!

Hand Grip/Placement:

As for hand grip, one study by Lusk and colleagues concluded that a "pronated (overhand) grip had significantly higher lat activation when compared to a supinated (underhand) grip during lat pulldowns". Which is why I recommend using an overhand grip.

Grip Width:

And for grip width, this study by Andersen and colleaguesexamined the activation of various back muscles using 3 different grip widths: narrow, medium, and wide. The researchers concluded that the 3 different grip widths exhibited very similar lat activation. BUT the biceps were most activated with the middle grip AND subjects were able to lift the most weight with the middle grip.

So it seems that the middle grip is superior to the other grips as it provides equivalent lat activation but more biceps activation and the ability to lift heavier weight. However, the same study also showed that during the eccentric portion of the movement, the infraspinatus (one of our rotator cuffs) was better activated during the wide grip. And given that a wider grip will also involve more of your teres major muscles due to its anatomical position and function, I think we can conclude that using a combination of both the middle and wide grip is best in terms of back development.

Exercise 5: Scapular Pull-Ups

This last exercise is something I highly suggest you add into your back training workouts to finish it off. They’re called scapular pull-ups and mainly strengthen your lower traps. This helps with improving your scapular stability and keeping your shoulders healthy.

Scapular Pull-Up Muscles

Back Workout Routine (Best Exercises For Mass) (12)
You simply want to hang from a bar, depress your shoulders down and away from your ears and pull your body up without allowing your elbows to bend with a slight pause at the top of the movement.
Back Workout Routine (Best Exercises For Mass) (13)
As you get stronger with this exercise you can always progress it by performing more reps, using a slower tempo, or using a weight belt to gradually add weight to the movement.

Sample Back Workout Routine

So to wrap this all up, here’s a sample back workout you can do using the 5 exercises I discussed.

Deadlifts: 3-4 sets of 6-8 reps

Pull-Ups: 3-4 sets of 6-10 reps

Chest-Supported Row: 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps

Lat Pulldowns: 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps

Scapular Pull-ups: 2-3 sets of 8+ reps

You want to stick with this routine for a couple months and focus on progressively overloading these exercises. Then once your strength plateaus you can do different variants of the exercise, switch up the order, and so on to keep progressing.

And for those wondering "is this back workout for men only"? No! If you're a female and looking to development a strong looking back, then all of the above information will apply to you as well.

Incorporating The Back Exercises Into Your Current Routine

A lot of you probably don't run typical "bro-splits" with a full day dedicated to your back workout. Thus, for those running an upper/lower split or a push/pull/legs routine, I'd suggest incorporating 2-3 of the above back exercises into one of your upper or pull days and incorporate the rest on the other day. If you're still confused about this, I show an example of how to do so in my upper body workout article.

The Best Science-Based Back Workout (TARGET EVERY MUSCLE!)

And for a complete step-by-step science-based program that shows you exactly how to train, eat, and recover week after week to maximize your results, then:

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But that's pretty much it for this article. I hope you all enjoyed it and found it useful. As always, let me know in the comments if you have any questions/concerns I can help you with. And show me your support by giving me a follow onInstagram,Facebook, andYoutubewhere I’ll be posting informative content on a more regular basis. Cheers!

Back Workout Routine (Best Exercises For Mass) (2024)


How do you train your back for mass? ›

The three exercises that strengthen your back most efficiently are the deadlift, barbell row, and pull-up. They train the most overall muscle mass and typically allow you to lift more weight and progress more regularly than other back exercises, which is vital for gaining strength.

How can I gain back mass? ›

You can strengthen your back with exercises, including bent-over rows, pullups, back extensions, and more. These different exercises target and strengthen different muscles in the back. If you've ever had back pain, you know just how frustrating it can be — and you're not alone.

What back exercise hits the most muscles? ›

Reverse-Grip Pulldown

This allows you to pull your elbows back as far as possible, maximally stimulating the back muscles. Keep your torso upright and a slight arch in your back as you fully extend your arms at the top.

How often should I train back for mass? ›

How Much Should You Train? Like all muscles in your body, you can perform back exercises up to three non-consecutive days a week. If you're lifting heavy weights—enough that you can only complete six to eight repetitions—you'll need two or more days of rest before you perform the exercise again.

How do I get my back like Arnold? ›

Rest one to two minutes between sets.
  1. Wide-Grip Pull-Up. 5 sets of 8-12 reps. Hang at arm's length from a pull-up bar with your hands wider than shoulder-width. ...
  2. T-Bar Row. 5 sets of 8-12 reps. ...
  3. Single-Arm Dumbbell Row. 4 sets of 8 to 12 reps per arm. ...
  4. Close-Grip Lat Pulldown. 4 sets of 8 to 12 reps.

How many exercises to build back? ›

How many exercises should I do on back day? Depending on what back exercises you choose, 5-7 exercises may be enough for back day. You want to choose a range of movement patterns to build lean muscle mass.

What is the number one back exercise? ›

Bent over rows are one of the best back-building exercises you can do. You even get lower body activation because you'll maintain a hinged position throughout the exercise. Bent-over rows increase strength and muscle mass in your upper and mid-back.

What is the fastest way to gain mass? ›

6 Tips to Help You Build Muscle Faster
  1. Maximize your workout time with compound exercises. Some exercises only focus on specific muscles in your body. ...
  2. Go for high-intensity workouts. ...
  3. Make sure you're eating enough. ...
  4. Get enough rest. ...
  5. Try supplements. ...
  6. Make a goal to train each muscle two to three times per week.
Jan 11, 2023

Are back muscles hard to build? ›

Building up your back muscles can take some time, but the good news is that you can start seeing results fairly quickly with consistent effort. If you're new to working out, it's important to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity of your exercises over time.

What is the king of all back exercises? ›

The deadlift remains the king of all back exercises, as the movement incorporates lat and core stabilization along with engaging your entire posterior chain. Here, going heavy is encouraged, and as your pulls become stronger, you'll see how much more developed your back becomes. Don't skip deadlift day!

What exercises hit all muscles? ›

List of the best full-body exercises
  • Doing full-body exercises.
  • Pushups.
  • Squats.
  • Burpees.
  • Lunges.
  • Running and cycling.
  • Stair climbing.
  • Things to remember.
Apr 5, 2019

Is 4 back exercises enough? ›

To recap, most people can see great results performing 2-4 different exercise per muscle group per training day, and include 4-12 different exercises paper muscle group per week as long as they are getting enough training volume throughout the week (15-20 total work sets for most people would suffice)..

Is it OK to train back Everyday? ›

No, it is not advisable to do back muscle workouts every day. Doing back muscle workouts every day can cause strain and injury to the muscles and tendons. It is recommended to allow your back muscles to rest and recover in between workouts, by alternating targeted muscle groups.

What is the best rest time for Mass? ›

However, the biggest difference in training for muscle size versus strength is in rest between sets. Studies have found that to induce muscle hypertrophy, optimal rest intervals are between 30–90 seconds (3, 4 ). Muscle hypertrophy is best achieved with moderate rest between sets, such as 30–90 seconds.

How heavy should I lift to gain muscle? ›

For beginners, Ben recommends trying five to 10 pounds for light weights, 10 to 20 pounds for medium weights, and 15 to 30 pounds for heavy weights—or simply starting with five-pound weights for each exercise and working up from there.

How long does it take to gain muscle mass back? ›

It's hard to quantify what muscle memory means because everyone is different but it could halve the time needed to regain lost muscle. In other words, a 12-week break from muscle-building might see muscle lost regained in just six weeks.

Is it hard to build back muscles? ›

Building up your back muscles can take some time, but the good news is that you can start seeing results fairly quickly with consistent effort. If you're new to working out, it's important to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity of your exercises over time.

Is back muscle hard to train? ›

All in all, the back is a tough muscle group to train but there are certainly things you can do to improve the work you're doing and maximize what you get out of the exercises you're doing.

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.