Digitale Lookbooks – Ein Lookbook online erstellen | Issuu (2024)

Mit einem Online-Mode-Lookbook können E-Commerce-Anbieter/innen und Modehändler/innen den Leser/innen ein beeindruckendes Einkaufserlebnis bieten.

Ein Lookbook im Flipbook-Stil mit eingebetteten Videos gibt den Kund/innen die Möglichkeit zu sehen, wie die angebotenen Outfits im echten Leben aussehen würden.

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Digitale Lookbooks – Ein Lookbook online erstellen | Issuu (1)

Was ist ein Lookbook?

Ein digitales Lookbook ist eine Sammlung von Fotos, die in einem Online-Format zusammengestellt werden, um deine Designs und Outfit-Inspirationen zu präsentieren. Lookbooks sind daher sehr hilfreich für den Start deines Mode- oder Fotogeschäfts.

Gute Lookbooks enthalten qualitativ hochwertige Bilder und Texte. Die Fotos sollten hauptsächlich Lifestyle-Aufnahmen sein, die Outfits und Accessoire-Kombinationen im Alltag zeigen. Der Text sollte über einfache Beschreibungen hinausgehen und den Leser/innen die Vision hinter deiner Marke näher bringen.

Anders als bei einem Katalog geht es bei einem Lookbook um mehr als nur den Verkauf. Es geht darum, deinen Stil zu präsentieren. Wenn du ein Lookbook online stellst, kannst du das Beste aus beiden Welten nutzen: einen Katalog, aus dem direkt gekauft werden kann mit der Kreativität eines Lookbooks.

Während ein traditionelles Lookbook in der Regel mit Druck- und Vertriebskosten verbunden ist, ist das digitale Lookbook viel vielseitiger. Es ist nicht nur kosteneffizient und umweltfreundlich, sondern kann auch interaktive Funktionen enthalten, wie z. B. Kauf-Links zu deinen Produkten.

Ein Online-Mode-Lookbook setzt deine Designs und Stile in Szene und gibt den Kunden ein Gefühl dafür, wie es wäre, diese Outfits im Alltag zu tragen.

Ein digitales Lookbook ist auf jedem Gerät lesbar und liefert hochauflösende Bilder auf jeder Art von Bildschirm.

Digitale Lookbooks – Ein Lookbook online erstellen | Issuu (2)

So erstellst du ein Lookbook:

  1. Lade einfach die PDF-Datei deines Entwurfs hoch, um ein Lookbook zu erstellen (du kannst auch .doc-, .docx- oder .ppt-Dateien hochladen oder deine Dateien direkt aus Dropbox oder Google Drive importieren).

  2. Nutze die Flipbook-Funktion, um dein Lookbook online in einem visuell beeindruckenden Format zu präsentieren, das den Look und das Gefühl eines klassischen gedruckten Lookbooks mit dem Komfort eines digitalen Formats nachahmt.

  3. Erwecke dein digitales Lookbook zum Leben, indem du Funktionen hinzufügst, die auf der Seite auffallen, wie z. B. Online-Shopping-Links und Videos.

  4. Verknüpfe dein digitales Lookbook mit dem Rest deiner Inhalte, indem du es mit unserer Einbettungsfunktion in deine

    Webseite einbindest.

  5. Erhöhe die Sichtbarkeit deines Lookbooks online, indem du es über deine sozialen Kanäle verbreitest und in deinem Blog verlinkst.


Erstelle ein Lookbook mit deinen vorhandenen Design-Tools.

Mit der InDesign-Erweiterung von Issuu kannst du ein Lookbook als Story für Facebook, Instagram und andere soziale Kanäle erstellen.

Das ist ganz einfach. Wähle einfach „Datei“-> „Issuu- Create Story“, um deine Stories in InDesign zu erstellen.

Digitale Lookbooks – Ein Lookbook online erstellen | Issuu (3)


Gestalte mit Rücksicht auf soziale Medien.

Die Stories-Funktionvon Issuu ist eine Drag-and-Drop-Lösung, mit der du dein Lookbook in ein professionelles Social Media-Asset verwandeln kannst. Mit dieser Funktion kannst du dein Lookbook direkt von Issuu auf deinen sozialen Kanälen teilen.

Digitale Lookbooks – Ein Lookbook online erstellen | Issuu (4)


Mach dein Lookbook zu einem multimedialen Erlebnis.

Gehe über das statische Lookbook hinaus und zeige deine Styles in Aktion, indem du Videos einbettest. Mit dieser Funktion kannst du Videos von YouTube und Vimeo mit nur wenigen Klicks in dein Online-Lookbook einbinden.

Digitale Lookbooks – Ein Lookbook online erstellen | Issuu (5)

Sieh dir weitere Beispiele für digitale Lookbooks auf Issuu an:

Digitales Lookbook: Häufig gestellte Fragen

  • A lookbook serves as a visual storytelling tool for brands, showcasing their latest collection in a way that highlights style, atmosphere, and creativity. It's designed to inspire and captivate the audience, offering them a glimpse into the brand's aesthetic and the lifestyle it promotes.

  • Designing a lookbook involves selecting a cohesive theme, choosing high-quality images that reflect your brand's style, and arranging content in an aesthetically pleasing layout. To easily create a lookbook that engages your audience, you can use Issuu’s integrations with top design tools like Canva or Adobe Express.

  • A catalog lists products, descriptions, and prices, serving as a direct sales tool. On the other hand, a lookbook is more about brand storytelling and inspiration, showcasing products in styled photographs and thematic layouts to evoke feelings and convey a lifestyle.

  • Lookbook photos should capture the essence of your collection and brand identity. Use natural lighting, choose cohesive settings and backgrounds, and ensure your photos tell a story. Consider hiring a professional photographer to achieve high-quality, visually appealing images that align with your lookbook's theme and goals.

  • To turn your PDF into a dynamic digital lookbook with Issuu, simply upload your PDF file to Issuu. Our intuitive platform will transform it into an engaging, interactive lookbook that you can share across all channels. Then, enhance your lookbook with videos, links, and more to captivate your audience and showcase your brand in a whole new light. It’s a straightforward process designed to elevate your content effortlessly.

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  • Digitale Lookbooks – Ein Lookbook online erstellen | Issuu (7)


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  • Digitale Lookbooks – Ein Lookbook online erstellen | Issuu (9)


  • Bist du bereit, deine Modefotos in aufregende digitale Lookbooks zu verwandeln?

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    Digitale Lookbooks – Ein Lookbook online erstellen | Issuu (2024)


    What is ecommerce lookbook? ›

    The lookbook will show your collection displayed not as a separate item but in a complete look. It is more than just a display of your products. It will show your customers what items can be worn together.

    What size is a digital lookbook? ›

    The size recommended is 600 × 700px on desktop, and 320 × 385px on mobile. A lot of business lookbooks use the size 8.5 × 11 to fit all their content. The advisable size for lookbooks when you are making it at Adobe Photoshop is around 2,560 × 1,600 pixels.

    Can I create a lookbook on Canva? ›

    You can create your lookbook using Canva or InDesign, and there are many other PDF creator websites. Ensure that your document's colours and themes match your brand's identity and support the image that you want to portray to your viewers.

    What are the benefits of a digital lookbook? ›

    A digital lookbook enables storytelling, reduces your costs to serve, and creates upsell opportunities. Welcome to the future of digital sales where your collection speaks for itself.

    What is a Shopify lookbook? ›

    Shopify Store Set Up. Lookbooks are a great way to showcase your products in the best detail. They help many niches sell lots of products and keep the customers engaged. Having a lookbook on Shopify is really easy and you don't need any coding.

    What is the difference between a lookbook and a catalog? ›

    A lookbook focuses heavily on imagery and the visual storytelling of the products and includes less wordy details. Catalogs are focused on selling the utility of the items. They showcase how you can use them, where you can use them, and include specific details.

    What is ecommerce bookkeeping? ›

    What is ecommerce bookkeeping? Ecommerce bookkeeping is the practice of recording, tracking, and managing financial data in order to fuel your ecommerce accounting accurately.

    What is the purpose of a lookbook? ›

    A lookbook enable you to improve product presentation in creative ways to achieve specific goals. A few steps above the typical catalog, it is an effective marketing tool. It establishes your brand's personality and sense of aesthetics.

    How many pages should a fashion lookbook be? ›

    Lookbooks tend to be 8-15 pages long, however, if the collection you want to showcase is smaller, you can create a lookbook with as few as 4 pages. With so few pages, make sure to make the most of each one!

    What is the app that makes outfits out of your wardrobe? ›

    Download Getwardrobe today and start your journey to a better wardrobe! Take pictures of your clothes, upload them to your cloud-based wardrobe, create magazine-style outfits, plan what to wear, create packing lists, get inspiration and support from our community and showcase your style.

    What should you include in a lookbook? ›

    Lookbooks typically feature high-quality photographs of models wearing the clothing or accessories, often in different settings or with different backgrounds. The images are often accompanied by descriptions of the products, including details on fabric, sizing, and other important information.

    What is a designer look book? ›

    A lookbook is a collection of photographs compiled to showcase a model, photographer, style, designer or clothing line. A lookbook is a compilation of photographs designed to highlight various elements, such as models, photographs, styles, designers or clothing lines.

    What size should a digital book be? ›

    Book sizes
    General20.8 × 33.3 in
    Kindle22.2 × 35.6 in
    Wattpad7.1 × 11.1 in
    20 more rows

    How do I create a digital brand book? ›

    10 Tips For Designing A Brand Book
    1. Write A Brand Overview. The brand overview is the starting point of a brand book. ...
    2. Build A Brand Personality. ...
    3. Identify Brand Voice & Tone. ...
    4. Define Your Target Audience. ...
    5. Define Your Brand Messaging. ...
    6. Design Visual Style. ...
    7. Keep It Simple. ...
    8. Use High-Quality Images.
    Feb 6, 2024

    How to make a digital photo book? ›

    Create a photo book
    1. On your computer, open
    2. Sign in to your Google Account.
    3. Make a photo book. If you are in the US: ...
    4. Select at least 20 photos. If you select more than 140 photos, some of your photos will be collaged in one page.
    5. Click Done. Your photo book will be saved automatically.
    6. Optional:

    How do you create a digital story? ›

    Digital Storytelling Process
    1. Come up with an idea. ...
    2. Research/explore/learn. ...
    3. Write and script your story. ...
    4. Create a storyboard and plan what you want your story to look like. ...
    5. Gather/create images, video, and audio. ...
    6. Put it all together. ...
    7. Share your story. ...
    8. Get feedback and reflect on how you can improve your story.
    5 days ago

    How do I create a digital eBook? ›

    How do I create my own eBook? All you need is to write the content, then use software like Canva or InDesign to give it the look you need, and then publish it through Amazon Kindle or any other marketplace. You can even self-publish through your own website and sell it with software like Shopify or LearnWorlds.

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    Article information

    Author: Delena Feil

    Last Updated:

    Views: 5907

    Rating: 4.4 / 5 (45 voted)

    Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Delena Feil

    Birthday: 1998-08-29

    Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

    Phone: +99513241752844

    Job: Design Supervisor

    Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

    Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.