The BRAT diet: All of your questions about this popular dietary remedy, answered (2024)

The BRAT diet: All of your questions about this popular dietary remedy, answered (1)

While we hope you aren’t feeling queasy, this guide to the BRAT diet will help if you find yourself needing a rescue remedy for nausea and loose stools.


  • What is the BRAT diet?
  • How long should you follow the BRAT diet?
  • What can you eat on the BRAT diet?
  • Can you eat anything else on the BRAT diet?
  • What foods can’t you eat on the BRAT diet?
  • How to follow the BRAT diet
  • Does the BRAT diet work?
  • Why the BRAT diet is no longer recommended for kids

Most of us have memories of at least one time in our childhoods when we had a stomach bug. You might remember how dreadful you felt, and that even going to school would have been more fun than watching your favorite cartoons or TV shows while sick on the couch.

When you finally started regaining your ability to hold down some food, your mom, dad, or caretaker probably tried to get you to eat a few bites of plain toast, white rice, or something else very bland and easy to digest.


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The BRAT diet is all about easing stomach distress with easy-to-digest foods. Following the BRAT diet when you have a stomach flu, diarrhea, or nausea can be a helpful way to keep your strength up without exacerbating your GI symptoms.

The BRAT diet: All of your questions about this popular dietary remedy, answered (2)

What is the BRAT diet?

The BRAT diet, which is an acronym that stands for bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast, is a diet designed to help treat and support stomach problems in adults. By focusing on four easy-to-digest foods, the BRAT diet limits fiber intake as a means to reduce the severity of diarrhea and firm up stools.

The BRAT diet: All of your questions about this popular dietary remedy, answered (3)

How long should you follow the BRAT diet?

Unlike most popular diets like keto, vegan, and Paleo, the BRAT diet is not intended to be a lifestyle diet followed for an extended period of time; rather, it’s a way to get sustenance while you have diarrhea, nausea, and other digestive issues without taxing your GI system as much as richer foods.

The BRAT diet should only be followed until you can start tolerating more nutritious foods. It is very low in protein, fiber, fat, and vitamins and minerals, so it shouldn’t be sustained beyond necessary, as doing so can result in deficiencies and malnutrition. If severe diarrhea and nausea continue past two days, or if there are any concerns of dehydration or malnutrition, you should consult your healthcare provider immediately.

The BRAT diet: All of your questions about this popular dietary remedy, answered (4)

What can you eat on the BRAT diet?

The basic BRAT diet consists solely of bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. These foods are gentle on the stomach because they are low in fiber and consist primarily of simple carbohydrates. For this reason, they are considered “binding foods” because they can firm up the stool.


Bananas are high in potassium and magnesium and contain mostly simple carbohydrates so they are easier to digest than fruits like apples and berries. Since they contain electrolytes, bananas are an important part of the BRAT diet for replacing electrolytes lost in stool and vomit. If you are really nauseous and can’t fathom eating, you can freeze an unpeeled banana and cut small slices and suck on them.

The BRAT diet: All of your questions about this popular dietary remedy, answered (5)


The rice you eat on the BRAT diet should be white rice because it’s lower in fiber and more gentle on the stomach than brown rice. Avoid heavy seasoning; a light sprinkle of sea salt is ideal. Sauces and spices can upset the stomach.

The BRAT diet: All of your questions about this popular dietary remedy, answered (6)


Applesauce is easy to digest and can keep blood sugar levels up. You can make your own or buy pre-made jars or cups. Avoid heavy seasoning with cinnamon.

The BRAT diet: All of your questions about this popular dietary remedy, answered (7)


Toast should be plain or prepared simply with a tiny pat of butter until richer toppings are tolerable. The BRAT diet focuses on low-fiber choices, so white bread or potato bread are preferred over whole wheat or high-fiber breads with bran.

The BRAT diet: All of your questions about this popular dietary remedy, answered (8)

Can you eat anything else on the BRAT diet?

Although the traditional BRAT diet only includes bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast, some pediatricians and healthcare providers say that any bland foods can be incorporated into the diet during stomach illnesses. Other examples of bland foods include:

  • Clear broth
  • Saltines or water crackers
  • Plain rice cakes
  • Boiled, steamed, or mashed plain white potatoes
  • Apple juice
  • Flat soda
  • Dry cereal; plain flavors that are low in fiber, such as Rice Chex, Cheerios, and Rice Krispies
  • Popsicles
  • Jello
  • Plain hot cereal, like cream of wheat or oatmeal
The BRAT diet: All of your questions about this popular dietary remedy, answered (9)

What foods can’t you eat on the BRAT diet?

Aside from the basics of bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast, and potentially the other bland foods mentioned, the BRAT diet pretty much excludes every other food.

Foods to avoid on the BRAT diet include the following:

  • Meat, poultry, fish, and other forms of protein
  • Milk, cheese, yogurt, and other dairy
  • Tofu or soy
  • Raw or cooked vegetables
  • Eggs
  • Avocados
  • Citrus fruits
  • Legumes
  • Nuts
  • Nut butters
  • Seeds
  • Oils
  • Condiments
  • Acidic foods
  • Fried foods
  • Spicy foods
  • High-fiber foods
  • Coffee
  • Alcohol
The BRAT diet: All of your questions about this popular dietary remedy, answered (10)

How to follow the BRAT diet

If you find yourself sick with a stomach illness or bad diarrhea, you might consider the BRAT diet. Here’s a basic overview of how to follow the BRAT diet:

  • If you are vomiting or diarrhea is severe, wait to eat until symptoms have calmed down.
  • Suck on ice, popsicles, or sports drinks if you can in order to keep hydrated and maintain appropriate electrolyte levels.
  • Try apple juice or clear broth for the first 24 hours, and see if you can tolerate it and keep it down. If not, give your stomach a rest.
  • On the second day, start following the BRAT diet as tolerated.
  • On the third day, start adding foods like scrambled eggs, chicken noodle soup, or cooked white meat into your diet if you can, listening to your body’s needs and tolerance levels.
The BRAT diet: All of your questions about this popular dietary remedy, answered (11)

Does the BRAT diet work?

There is limited research about the efficacy of the BRAT diet, though common practice is still to follow the BRAT diet, or a modified bland diet, during stomach illnesses. It is low in fiber, so the BRAT diet is said to slow digestion and calm the intestines. It’s important to remember that the BRAT diet is not intended for long-term adherence. If your symptoms are not improving within a day or two on the BRAT diet, you should seek medical care.

The BRAT diet: All of your questions about this popular dietary remedy, answered (12)

Why the BRAT diet is no longer recommended for kids

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, the BRAT diet is no longer recommended for children experiencing diarrhea because of its focus on low-nutrient foods lacking in essential elements necessary for recovery. Prolonged adherence to the BRAT diet can result in poor nutrition, as it primarily relies on carbohydrates that draw water into the digestive tract, making diarrhea worse and potentially affecting gut health.

A more beneficial approach is to consume a variety of gut-friendly foods while unwell. Incorporate oatmeal, sweet potatoes, low-fiber vegetables, and fruits such as berries and melons. Relying solely on the four choices allowed on the BRAT diet may not fulfill daily energy requirements — unless consumed in substantial quantities. Opting for meals that include all the major food groups is ideal — even during illness, as this ensures nutritional needs are met for proper recovery.

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The BRAT diet: All of your questions about this popular dietary remedy, answered (2024)


What is the BRAT diet diet? ›

“The BRAT diet acronym stands for bananas, rice, applesauce and toast,” says Lena Beal, M.S., RD, LD, a Piedmont therapeutic dietitian. “Historically, it was used in pediatrics when kids got sick and couldn't tolerate anything. But this diet is helpful for anyone who has nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.”

What is the BRAT eating diet? ›

The BRAT diet consists of foods low in fiber that are gentle on the stomach, like bananas, rice, applesauce, toast, crackers and chicken broth. Non-bland foods should be avoided.

Why is the BRAT diet no longer recommended? ›

The banana, rice, applesauce, and toast (BRAT) diet may help treat diarrhea, stomach flu, and other stomach complaints. However, many health professionals no longer recommend it due to the risk of nutrient and calorie deficiencies.

Is peanut butter OK on BRAT diet? ›

Eat BRAT diet foods

Soups: clear broth, such as chicken, vegetable or beef. Liquids: cranberry, apple and grape juice, tea (without caffeine), water. Snacks: canned peaches, pears, sweet potatoes, crackers, cream of wheat, eggs, gelatin, oatmeal, creamy peanut butter.

Can you butter toast on BRAT diet? ›

Toast is another easily digested, low fiber food that will help to firm up your stool. For added nutrition, you should feel free to spread jam on your toast if you can stomach it. You will probably want to avoid butter and peanut butter, as they are high in fat, which is hard on your stomach.

Are eggs OK on the BRAT diet? ›

Avoid vegetables that have been steamed or blanched. Good sources of protein on the bland diet include skinless roasted or baked chicken, eggs, low-fat milk and yogurt, and smooth peanut butter and other nut butters.

What foods stop diarrhea? ›

What foods help diarrhea go away? Eating bland foods can help diarrhea clear quicker and prevent stomach upset and irritation. This can include bananas, plain white rice, applesauce, toast, boiled potatoes, unseasoned crackers, and oatmeal.

Is apple juice good for diarrhea? ›

Try a clear liquid diet— water, weak tea, apple juice, clear broth, frozen pops, or plain gelatin — as soon as diarrhea starts or you feel it's going to start. Clear liquids keep the bowels from working too hard and help prevent irritation. Eat small, frequent meals. Your body may find smaller amounts easier to digest.

Is avocado on toast good for diarrhea? ›

Eat foods high in potassium and sodium to replace minerals lost from diarrhea. High potassium foods include: apricots, avocado, bananas, canned tomatoes, oranges, pears, potatoes and sweet potatoes (especially baked), tomato juice, V8 juice, yogurt.

Are Cheerios good for upset stomach? ›

Dairy products can make the stomach flu worse, so stick to dry cereal that you can slowly eat. Try to stick with simple cereals like Original Cheerios or Corn Chex; avoid sugary cereals (no more than 10 grams of total sugar and 5 grams of added sugar per serving) because sugar can also complicate the issue.

What stops diarrhea fast naturally? ›

Bland, starchy, low-fiber foods like those included in the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast) are binding, which can bulk stool and help you get rid of diarrhea fast. You can also try probiotics, glutamine supplements, or home remedies like herbal teas and rice water.

Does yogurt stop diarrhea? ›

Yogurt can help prevent or treat diarrhea

Some yogurts contain bacteria (called probiotics) that can help prevent or treat diarrhea. 1.1 Infection-associated diarrhea Studies show that consuming probiotics in the weeks before travel can reduce a traveler's risk of diarrhea by up to 15%.

Are Ritz crackers OK for diarrhea? ›

Diarrhea and Vomiting

Slowly add soft, bland foods - bananas, rice, applesauce, toast, Ritz crackers, dry cereal. Avoid greasy foods, milk, orange juice or liquids that contain caffeine. As the vomiting and diarrhea improve, continue to add foods more firm in consistency.

Is cranberry juice Good for diarrhea? ›

Dilute your water with fruit juice.

Water can sometimes be nauseating when you have diarrhea. Ganjhu recommends diluting it with fruit juice, like cranberry or apple juice, to make it easier to tolerate.

Can I eat a peanut butter sandwich if I have diarrhea? ›

Avoid foods that are deep-fried or served in creamy sauces. 2. Use butter, margarine, cream cheese or peanut butter in small amounts, for example 1 – 2 teaspoons per meal.

Is chicken noodle soup OK for BRAT diet? ›

Water is good, but adding broth, a sports drink, or a rehydration solution such as Pedialyte can help replace lost electrolytes. Broth or broth-based soups (chicken noodle, vegetable, etc.) BRAT is the mneumonic for Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast, the staples of the diet.

How many bananas can you eat to stop diarrhea? ›

Bananas are also a low residue food that helps deal with the weakness and dehydration. You can either have it as a fruit or add it to your yoghurt or smoothie. Add 1-2 bananas for 2 times a day to ease the stomach issue.

What causes explosive diarrhea after eating? ›

Bacteria can cause explosive diarrhea to occur after eating or drinking contaminated food or water. Bacteria that can cause diarrhea include Salmonella, Campylobacter, and Escherichia coli, which is commonly called E. coli. These bacteria can spread from person to person via unwashed hands and surfaces.

What foods stop diarrhea fast? ›

When a person has diarrhea, choosing bland foods such as bananas, plain white rice, and boiled potatoes is advisable. They can also try to have soups, broths, and sports drinks. It is advisable to avoid fried and greasy foods such as fries, pizzas, and cheeseburgers.

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